Monday, March 2, 2009

Bitter, Party of One

This is what is looked like when I looked out the window at 7 a.m. All this beautiful snow and I didn't get a freaking snow day. Of course every other school in the area did, but not my school. So I went to work. 4 kids showed up. I babysat all day because you can't teach your lessons to 4 kids- you would just have to do it all over again to the other 14 when the snow melts.
Do I find this funny? No. As a teacher I think it is my divine right to have snow days. However, I bet that all of you who have watched me have snow days in the past and have had to work are thinking this is freaking hilarious.
Bitter, party of one at your service.

1 comment:

  1. yes. i admit, its kinda funny. because i used to have to haul my ass to work while you slept in. Except the one time i woke you up anyway to tell you there was a liger on tv. sorry about that.
