Friday, July 17, 2009

For Shame

There are only 3 reasons in which it is appropriate to buy an US Weekly (or other trashy magazine).

1. Travel. Great for plane rides or car trips.

2. 7th grade sleepovers (or 29 year old reenactments of 7th grade sleepovers)

3. Really bad days. (usually prompted by work or comments from your mother, okay maybe my mother)

Why did I buy one today? I am literally that bored. So bored that going to the grocery store was an exciting part of my day (okay, I always love going to the grocery store). So bored that when I spotted the promise of Jessica getting dumped by Tony and possibly getting back with Nick, and yet another Jon and Kate Plus 8 scandal, I caved.

I need to quickly read something with a reading level greater than 5th grade so I can redeem myself.

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