That's right, your eyes didn't fool you- it says bringing home baby. Today I brought home my brand new baby, the
Canon Rebel T1i. Let me tell you, this is one BEAUTIFUL baby. I am in LOVE. For me buying expensive toys is like having a child, it's a HUGE
commitment. I treat my cameras like my babies. I handle them with great care, I don't like other people touching them, (I will hover over you if I do in fact allow you to pick up my babies) I tell them I love them...which is strange I know, but I do love them!
I was plagued with many decisions. Decision #1: what type of camera to buy. It's like picking your baby's name and learning their personality. I own a Canon Rebel 35mm SLR film camera and have always loved it, but I was tempted to have an
affair with Nikon. The D90 was calling to me, but the price tag was hard to choke down. So then there was the
possibility of the brand new D5000 that my good friend
Kara recently welcomed into her family...what to pick?! So, being me, I did my research- hours of it on-line, and still could not make up my mind. So I headed to
Penn Camera to see what advice they would give me. A very wonderful (and patient) salesmen
allowed me to
sprawl out numerous cameras on the counter and kindly helped me decide. The D90 was my first look. I told him that the price tag made me want to throw up a little (note to self, you do not have to say EVERYTHING that you think
out loud). It's one step below professional. Do I know how to use a camera? yes. Have I taken classes? yes. But I am a mid-level not an advanced
armature. So D90, you're out. Maybe someday. Then onto the D5000- me
likey. Many of the same perks of the D90, but a little more user friendly. Then he brought out my baby. So we had a little comparison of the Nikon and the Canon. The two cameras were pretty
equivalent. Great, now it's harder to decide. Both cameras are the newest additions to their respective families, both have nice LCD screens, and easy to use functions, but my Canon has a 15.1
megapixal resolution compared to the 12.3 on the Nikon. Point for Canon. I know Canon and all of the Camera icons. Point 2. My current lenses are
compatible. Point 3. The
salesman said he would choose the Canon (and he has like 50 Nikon cameras or something of his own). Match point. Come to mama.
So I tucked her safely into my passenger seat and brought her home. I
ordered a new stroller to carry her around in and lovingly took her out of the box.
Welcome home baby, you're mama is so proud!