Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Listening Comprehension

Yesterday, I met some more of my neighbors while leaving for work. They introduced themselves by motioning to which church they went to on the street (there are 3). It reminded me of why I bought my house where I did. In my old neighborhood, people would NEVER come up and introduce themselves. This is maybe the 10th time it's happened to me in 3 months.

In addition to telling me about their grandkids and dog, this couple told me of the fond memories they had of my house. They told me they used to buy candy at my house. I admit. That gave me pause. I had heard from other neighbors, that my house used to be 2 apartments, one of which used to sell certain things. You know. Stuff.

And so, when this older couple said they used to buy candy at my house, I was stunned. Did they just admit that to me? Weird. And then they continued, that when they would come home from elementary school, their parents would let them run over with their pocket change. And that is when I kicked myself. My house, before it was mine, before it was a drug den, was the corner store. In the 50s. And then it all made sense. Penny CANDY. OHHHHHHH. Yeah. That I get. And I fail.

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