Friday, February 27, 2009

Outfit of The Week

Okay, so that fact that sneakers with a suit is commonly seen on the metro is enough to make me sign half the city up for What Not to Wear, but this week I have seen some fantastically BAD outfits strutting it through our nations capital. Observe,

1. Man in Texas tuxedo on the metro this a.m. Cowboy boots, hat and all. Maybe not fantastically bad, but def. fantastically awesome. (he also looked and sounded like the Marlboro man, put down the smokes homeboy.)

2. Man in linen pants, again on the metro. Um, riddle me this, when is it appropriate for men to wear linen pants? The only instance I can think of is if you're getting married on a beach. Okay, or maybe if it is really hot but even then is questionable. However, this particular afternoon it was 30 degrees out. Somebody introduce this man to the weather channel.

3. Okay this is not a clothing statement, but at what age does a guy become too old to put gel in his hair and spike it? I am not taking in a hot rock way, because let's be honest if that's how you do it you can rock it well into your late 30s. I mean the like frat boy, nasty gel spike. You're not fooling anyone, we can still tell your hairline is slowly creeping back your head.

Now, I get that I may be being a little over critical, but hey you put it out there you gotta be ready to get it :) Until my next spotted fashion disaster (which will prob. come from my own closet)...

Oh, how could I forget!? In the grocery store last night, guy in running suit with at least 4 HUGE bling, bling silver chains. Why is this funny you ask? White guy, in the middle of North Arlington. Eminem called, he'd like his persona back.

1 comment:

  1. ok. i would like to defend people who wear shoes with suits. i am guilty of this. do you want to trek around in heels during your commute? in my day, we walked 3 miles to work, uphill. both ways.
