Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where were we?

I realized that our blog URL has a funny word in it. Which I didn't realize at first but now every time I see it, I blush like the little shy school girl I never *quite* was. I am going to put this blame of this squarely on Amber's shoulders.

Today, my office was what I imagine Amber's kindergarten looks like in the morning. Lots of running around and people on the verge of crying jags (one of them is pregnant so she gets an automatic pass, I'm not gonna mess with her) and not a lot of adult work was getting done. Maybe we can switch jobs.

1 comment:

  1. A. I had to ask one of my coworkers to look at the URL because I could not figure out what the word was. She saw it ASAP- Amber=not so bright today.

    B. Seriously Becca?
