Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White Whine.

Why is planning a vacation so difficult? I feel like maybe because the last time I went away, I was told where to go and when and wasn't really given a choice. Now, I have input. And I have to pay. And that shit is expensive.

My sister and I are going on vacation together this year. I don't think we have ever done a sister vacation. We have visited each other, gone hiking. But in each others respective towns. Now, we are going away. And we seem to have opinions about where to go and stay and...and...and.

Am I the only person who has angst about this? Although I am very pleased to have frequent flier miles because these plane tickets are killing me.

That being said, any suggestions for things to do in Rio?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Misstep Part 2

Dear Work:

Thank you so much for offering us an extra admin leave day for all of our hard work and dedication. I like how we can use it on Friday, the 22nd, or Monday, the 25th.

The Jews are not fooled by this ploy.


It's apparently Pretzel Month in the work cafeteria. They have so thoughtfully paired it with Passover on their advertisements. Me thinks this is a misstep.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


My colleague Emily just offered up Eleanor Roosevelt as a polar opposite to Britney Spears.

Where does she come up with this stuff? I should also mention that it came up following a discussion of people dressed as anime characters and Japanese girls dressed as baby dolls.

If you can figure out the train of thought, please let me know.

Morning Haiku: Back in the Habit

Colleagues, Hi, welcome.
Critical Thinking Skills now.
Try, You might like it.

Weather, Gloomy, Blah.
Food trucks hiding, I'm hungry.
Work Cafe. Sigh. Gross.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Does this Count?

Kim and I just picked out Easter candy for the office with Sec. Sebelius. Does that count as a celeb sighting? Should I have suggested that perhaps she should be buying carrots and such for the office know, people might talk.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I just had my first work celebrity sighting. Now, I used to have a job where I would randomly see celebrities all the time. I don't know why. I guess it's from traveling so much that I would see random people in the airport, at the hotel (I am looking at your Chicago Bulls. Tallest. Celeb. Sighting. Ever.), in restaurants.

Here? Not so much. I think it's because my office is so far removed from the hustle and bustle of campus. I even missed Bono coming to campus. How do you miss Bono??

Today, my luck has changed. As I was walking to work, through campus, I saw, the one, the only, the venerable, and one of my all time faves, Mr. Kevin Spacey. Not 3 ft away from me. I stopped. I did a double take. Then I grinned and kept walking, knowing very well that if I were to introduce myself, it would come out very wrong as it normally does. So I kept to myself and decided that this was going to be my sign that my luck will change.

I know it's BS. But again, just go with it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


My PSA for you all today: Don't buy a house. Just don't. Or if you do, get some serious homeowners and make sure your inspection is done after a heavy rain.

Things I have discovered this week:

1. A huge leak in the guest bedroom coming from an old chimney that doesn't connect anymore.
2. A mini leak in the living room.
3. Huge cracks in the grout causing water to leak behind the tiles in both bathrooms.
4. My cold water pipes shake horribly. And it's not a question of bracing the pipes, it's a question of knocking into walls. SERIOUS walls.

This? Is not what I had imagined. Not what I signed up for when I bought this house.

I suggest you all just move back in with your parents.

Update: I just did my taxes. EVERYBODY SHOULD BUY A HOUSE. GO. Do it now.